Figma keeps saying I'm Offline

I’m using Windows, and other applications started to complain just like Figma, I disabled and re enabled my Wifi and everything came back as usually. It seems is a Windows problem and not Figma

Im getting this error again after not having it for a few weeks.

Frustrating as I can’t see a pattern for how the offline error occurs even tho Im online. Saving down to .fig and opening again works but I lose all the comments in the file.

Figma can you resolve this ASAP

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I have seen this as well, but not just with variables. If 2 people are in a file it slows and doesn’t save.

I’m also getting this error. Other open files update fine. As far as I know, I’m the only one working in the problem file.

Hey, I just tried to do that, and my Figma is in an endless load.

The link I’ve pasted in the browser it’s working but without the last changes I did in the Figma app desk version.

I’m afraid I lost everything I did in the app version?

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In that case, the best to reach out to our support team, so could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file:

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.


I am having this problem on a really critical prototype that needs to go live next week. Other projects are open and work fine. It won’t even let me Save to .fig, just endless spinner. How can this still not be fixed?!

1. Can you check and confirm if you see the same problem in any other browsers you have on your computer? Our supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

2. Does this also happen on another network, like a mobile hotspot?
If it’s just happening on one network, you may need to adjust your proxy VPN or firewall settings as shown in Adjust your network settings or speak to your IT Admins or ISP. Generally for problems affecting a single network we’re not able to troubleshoot as it would require access to your system or network settings.

If these don’t work, could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link:

Thanks for your understanding.