Figma API and export to Excel spreadsheet - is it possible?

I’m curious to write a plugin to export data from all object layers (e.g. text, image - including their data type and content) into an Excel spreadsheet, but if I understand it correctly, Figma doesn’t support the browser environment and connection to Excel to export anything into spreadsheets. Embedding and importing external sources don’t appear to be valid either.

I’ve looked at the API documentation, and all I could find are the exportSettings, but that appears only for managed data types i.e. images file formats. My question is can Figma support conversion and exporting data to Excel spreadsheets, or does that require advanced coding expertise that goes beyond the scope of the API documentation?

Thanks in advance.

Hi David,

You’re correct that Excel isn’t a format we support in our export features. You can definitely write a plugin to do this. I’d recommend reading our guide to full document traversal as a start:

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