Components from Library lost their content

What happened:

  1. I have restored the older version of the UI kit library (15 min old) in the “Version history” menu and published the changes.
  2. When I open any other file that is connected to that library and hit “Update components” it breaks everything. Simple example: We had inputs and buttons with some custom content. If I update these components the custom content disappears and all the buttons and inputs get the default look as in the UI kit library.
    We have a lot of different files with really complex UI connected to this library. Please advise what is the best way to restore these connections as our team can lose weeks of work because of this issue. Thanks in advance!

Hi there @Dmytro2 please see this topic here for more info: Investigating: Overrides not preserved when library is pushed

We’re actively investigating the issue and working on a fix: