Colon in HTML ID attribute

Hello, we are trying to troubleshoot an issue where Figma is adding a colon to the ID tag of our images. We are importing our images dynamically into our React application using Figmagic. Perviously things worked without issue. Recently, our imported images stopped displaying, something we have traced to the ID attribute that each image is receiving.

We used to see ID attribute like this: image0

Now we see attributes like this, with a colon: image0_205:2

It seems the colon is causing trouble for us, preventing the image from displaying, as is mentioned on a Stack Overflow page: “Colons are allowed inside ID attributes, but hold no special significance. It’s not really advisable to use them because they can sometimes cause problems, such as when used with jQuery or CSS, where the colon has special meaning as a pseudo-selector.”

Is it possible an update to Figma has introduced this change to the way ID attributes are named? Is there anyway to change or override this?

Compare the old with the new here:

A post was merged into an existing topic: SVG export for linearGradients with colons in id showing blank in Chrome