Click interaction stop working on other component after clicking on one component

On side navbar i have added a click interaction to go back to the main page. when im on another page and if i click on the interaction on that page, the navigation click interaction does not work anymore.
I was not able to upload the video so attaching the screenshot.

Can anyone help please?

Interactions stop working after you open the overlay? Then everything is correct. You need to close the overlay for other interactions to become available, or use interactive components instead of opening the overlay.

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Hi Bro,
Thanks for your response.
the second bar overlay comes when someone clicks on the first bar, how can i add this on the same page and make it hidden and show it on the click?

As I wrote above, you need to create an interactive component. This component (component set) should have two variants:

  1. With a hidden object;
  2. With a visible object.

You can learn about creating interactive components in the Help Center article: