Figma is saving, closing your app will discard changes

Figma is now aware and is now investigating slow load times and saving issues.


same issue

Same here.

love the reference

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Same hereā€¦ Im worried since isnā€™t saving my work :cry:

yeah, same problem, dont know what to do

Looks like is fixed!

not for me :frowning:

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Figma status report shows the issue as resolved and they are monitoring. Iā€™m not seeing the results yet. Iā€™ll give it a couple of hours and then make the decision to lose and start again.

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@Eddie_Beaumont-Thomas Are you still seeing issues here or has it resolved for you?

Iā€™m not seeing any update to my work online and my desktop app is still telling me my work is being saved and not to shut down.

Iā€™m up and running again though I did have to do some work on the online project to ā€œkick itā€ into gear.

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Glad to hear it! Please let us know if you run into any other issues.

I am still facing this problemā€¦
Will I lose what Iā€™ve worked on?

I have hours of work that I have to present tomorrow morning. I have finished but I am afraid Iā€™ll lose it all.

Have you tryed to log out your account and log in again? It probably can help

I took copies of my changes on my desktop and pasted them into the online project. That kind of kicked the sync into action. Then made sure both the desktop and online were the same and shut down the desktop app with no issues.

Thank you! Iā€™ve tried that and my work was not lost!

After logging back in, I wasnā€™t afraid to click on ā€œClose Window Discard Changesā€ since the changes seemed to have been saved.

Seems like the message is not showing up anymore.

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Thatā€™s a great idea! Thanks for the advice, that sounds like the safest option. Should have done that, Iā€™m glad though that my work seems to have been saved safely.

Good, youā€™re all sorted, Bruno :+1:.

Hey All, thank you for your patience and understanding!

This was related to a service disruption we had yesterday:

Weā€™ve already pushed a fix, and things should now be working as expected!

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