What's the point of collaboration widgets if viewers can't interact with them?

Saw this amazing widget that allow people to vote, but only Designers in our organisation can edit files (for very obvious reasons, we can’t allow everyone to edit our files and our devs only need to inspect). How can I collect the responses from Product Managers, Engineers, Customer Service and more logged-in users with widgets? Am I missing something?

Thank you


Only people with can edit access to the file can interact with widgets, including visitors in open sessions.

Only saw this reply now - I got that, but I don’t understand what’s the point really.

And that’s why Figma has it so Figma editors and FigJam editors are two separate entities and are billed separately. So if you don’t want someone to be an editor in Figma, you can have them as editors in FigJam if you opt them in.

The widget is on the Figma file though, not Figjam :sweat_smile:

The solution to this is pretty simple: move the widget to a FigJam file.