Update property using Rest api or web call?

Is there any way to update a property of a layer of Figma file (such as position or size etc) through a network request or REST api?

What I am trying to do:
Before accessing image URL of a layer I would like to change “isMask” property of the layer though a web call. I use following to get JSON node of a layer

curl -H ‘X-FIGMA-TOKEN: USER_TOKEN’ ‘https://api.figma.com/v1/files/r8ZxK00DJJCTX6DfMybDhx?ids=0%3A1

and following for getting images:

curl -H ‘X-FIGMA-TOKEN: USER_TOKEN’ ‘https://api.figma.com/v1/images/r8ZxK00DJJCTX6DfMybDhx?ids=0%3A1

Looking for a similar way to send data back to Figma

Thank you

There is no way to do it.

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