Turning off "snap to pixel grid" should turn snapping off!

Please ‘fix’ this, whatever that means to your developers. This is a horrible UX :frowning:


There are valid use cases for not wanting frames to snap to pixel. In my case, I use frames to mask images to comp designs outside of UI/UX. I want to utilize the frame constraints and the frame nesting as it’s much easier to work with than Figma’s masking function. All we’re asking for is an additional toggle in the settings that allows users to turn of snapping to pixel for frames/instances etc.

bump. ten characters.

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also bump. would love the option to RnR without snap . . .

Seriously: if the Figma team can respond to say, “It’s an expected behavior,” why can’t they respond when dozens of uses call them out on that obvious baloney? In this case, “Expected Behavior” means, "Ooops, we wrote the code that way, and yep, Figma is doing what the code is written to do, so instead of admitting that it’s a problem, let’s lie to the people who use this software to make a living and tell them, “it’s a feature.”

Have some respect for your company and your team here. You know it’s not a feature. We know it’s not a feature. And yeah, your team has been hard at work on your major UI update, but bugs come first. And this is a bug. Sure, the code may be functioning as written, but the bug is in the spec’d behavior, not in the code.

For crying out loud, stop trying to Trump your way out of this and fix the problem.

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…and while you’re in there writing new, correct code, why not make snapping to grid a property of the object, not of the application itself? That way everyone gets the solution they need, and both solutions can be applied in the same project.


It’s absolutely insane that we’re still having these issues. Snap to pixel, round to pixel… FGS exporting out assets should work as you’d expect @ true size. So infuriating.

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Same here, also annoyed, while trying to edit icons, please fix this. It is not a feature, it is a UX flaw.

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Its 17th Aug 2024 and still this anno

ying issue is not resolved. Center line should be in exact center but no :-/

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Same issue after years, I can’t properly center small icons even with snapping turned off. It’s annoying trying to work with small assets when working with vectors it always changes the position when scaling to fit the grid.

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Still an issue…

To align a component or grouped object without snapping, you must break component instances from the main component and ungroup, which breaks the design system. Boooo…

Same frustration here. Just trying to create some simple vectors to enhance an existing UI component and I cannot for the life of me get them to line up because Figma has arbitrarily decided it’s the top (not the bottom) of the frame that should snap to pixel grid.

I was resigned to turning off pixel grid, zooming into max zoom and “eyeballing it” like a chump, when I discovered even that won’t work because of some arbitrary decision around frames and pixel snapping.

I’m assuming there’s a reason for this at the software level - I have to believe this is not a “design decision” but a “software architecture limitation” and probably wuld require a whole bunch of re-engineering to address.

That doesn’t change the fact that the behaviour is plain WRONG from an end-user standpoint and should be addressed - so long as it doesn’t have an immense impact on software performance.

Just learned about this when trying to align a logo that has a M and C and uses the C as base, when we need the M. So just keeping the request active to see if we get a solution :wink:

Why did we get an app-wide update to UI sooner than a 3 years old fix?

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Please fix this. Its entirely breaking my workflow for small reusable elements on prototype of a vector-based map. There’s no reason these elements need to be fixed to the pixel grid.

Figma please fix this. It’s extremely disruptive to workflow.

This issue is still open after > 3 years, and it’s clearly one of the most disruptive bugs (not a feature!) related to designing in Figma.