The Figma AI icon doesn't appear on the toolbar

Any suggestion. The Figma AI icon doesn’t appear on the toolbar. “Action” doesn’t work among shortcut keys even after switching the AI toggle under the settings.


I’ve same issue, show in admin settings but not in project settings, also I can’t use any Figma AI features


Same here, the option is activated under “Admin/Settings/AI”, but it doesn’t appear under “All projects/(Open team dropdown)/View settings/Settings”. Thus, there’s no way to use it inside a design file.

Me too, I have the beta app but AI no where to be found

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Here is what it shows on my end: beta access must be available to only some of the beta users, not all.

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AI access, not beta access, my bad

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I might be wrong, but I think AI tools are available for paid users only. To access AI features, users need a full-seat, which can be obtained by subscribing to one of three paid versions.

Hey All, sorry for the confusion!

UI3 and Figma AI are being introduced independently, so it’s possible to gain access to the UI3 beta before the Figma AI beta. AI will continue rolling out to remaining users over the coming weeks.

Many AI features are available to all plans, including the Starter plan. However, AI asset search and AI fragment search will only be available on paid plans.