Suggestion: Discord Rich Presence for Figma

Hello :wave:, I would like to propose an idea that is purely aesthetic.
If you know Discord you probably know the Rich Presence, you know it’s that little thing underneath a profile that displays what a friend is doing.

Many tools have this integration via plugins (but it seems to me that it is impossible to do this via a plugin on Figma because of the limitation of plugins to chat with other programs).

Here is the official website of this integration:

This integration is mainly used for video games but I know a lot of developer who use it for software like VSCode or Illustrator.

Note: This would only be available on Figma desktop app.


That would be great. : )

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Seria um boa ideia!!

I would love this :slight_smile:

@Jeremy_Meissner @Marcin3 @Lucca_Bassoli @brda and others.

I created a free open-source Rich Presence integration with Discord, works on Windows and MacOS you can get it from here: Figma Discord Presence - Adds rich presence activity to Discord for Figma | Product Hunt


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This is awesome! Thank you so much :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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