Simply and easily reset prototype

Is there a way to reset the prototype with an interaction without forcing the user to press R to reset?

I’d rather continue the flow and just reset some key components and variables rather than take them out of the flow and start the whole thing again. Resetting variables is OK, but there are a few components (an add to trolley one for example) I need to reset back to its original state but I don’t see a way to do this.


There’s a tickbox to reset components, does this do what you need?

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Thanks for your reply Michael - that would work if it was the component which had the interaction on it - however the component is back on a previous step and needs to stay in the state it’s in until I choose to reset it.

Picture a simple shopping cart. I have an “add to cart” component which changes from an “add” button to a “+ -” button with the number of those things in the cart. Once they’ve added that item to the trolley, it should stay in its “there are x of these things in the cart” state all the way through check out. When i’m finished my shop though I want to return the customer back to the beginning of the journey with no more items in their cart, and that component reset.

Curreently I have a bunch of “reset” variables (which is a pain to update everytime something else changes) but I can’t think of a way to target that cart component to reset it.


I am also looking for the same solution. Like in a real world after you checkout, the session resets and all the values in your shopping cart goes back to 0. So without making the user press ‘R’ key, we should be able to do it using variables in some way.

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Hi everyone! Thank you for sharing your feedback! We’ll pass it along to your team for consideration.
In the meantime, I switched your topic from “Ask to the community” to “Feature request”, so you can vote up for this idea!

would be great if you could reset or change state of a component based on interaction on the other component. just select which ones. not just restart/reset the whole prototype


+1 - I use variables for components quite a lot, and when the component is re-used throughout the UI but with different purposes (for example, timers) it would be beneficial to be able to reset it, similar to Component Reset in interactions.


Big up for this feature

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+1 for this feature

I need this as… Figma already has it (R) it just needs to be made available on user interaction…

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really need this feature! - We are using variables a great deal and having a reload/reset feature would be amazing, as others have said it just needs to replicate the user hitting ‘R’ but in a way that this action can be applied to an element within the prototype itself.

this feature would be very helpful.
i am trying to have a button on the page for when the user clicks it, it creates a new item on the page and the interactions they have done on the page are reset back to the default state.
under the navigate to action you can’t select the page the component is located on, but you can set the state, but it does nothing since you can’t select the page.