Shortcut: Press Tab to select 1st child when selecting multiple sibling elements

Hi there! I feel like it would be awesome to be able to hit the Tab key to select the first child when I have a set of objects with multiple child objects.

I’ve grown addicted to using the ‘Command + Drag’, ‘Option + Command + A’, ‘Return’, ‘Shift + Return’, and ‘Tab’ shortcuts when navigating complex layer hierarchies. The only problem is when I need to select one child of several within multiple objects. Let’s say I select 32 objects, each with child elements #1, #2, and #3. There’s no quick way to select object #2. I wish I could just select all 32 objects, hit ‘Return’, ‘Tab’, ‘Tab’, and have all 32 #2 child elements selected.

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Thanks for the feedback, Peter! We’ll pass this onto our team for consideration.


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