October 16, 2024, 3:22pm
Would be nice to have a place to see all the branches that you have pending to review. Like in GitHub.
We solved this problem making a hack using Figma API, but would be nice if this feature is in Figma
opened 01:36PM - 16 Oct 24 UTC
closed 01:41PM - 16 Oct 24 UTC
| File Name | Branches | Branch Names … |
| Mística Mobile | 4 | - [#1706 - Add detail text to Accordion](https://www.figma.com/file/WCkDDzlXE16R6yXaljxddj/branch/n5ZeRc3BUkpR6k9kehrWwD) |
| | | - [#1898 - Update Large Navigation Bar to support an icon left](https://www.figma.com/file/WCkDDzlXE16R6yXaljxddj/branch/AjaAmRJi3MSjaq03I2CgGw) |
| | | - [#1887 - Add Prefix to input fields](https://www.figma.com/file/WCkDDzlXE16R6yXaljxddj/branch/VqJZA1M9VirGBrOK6LVcZP) |
| | | - [#1899 - Meter component](https://www.figma.com/file/WCkDDzlXE16R6yXaljxddj/branch/P7I5YS08AKzmKmkqAkDFKK) |
| Mística Desktop | 2 | - [#1706 - Add detail text to Accordion](https://www.figma.com/file/DSWhPLyJzbliP1fBrLxDUR/branch/OnCEYtAxojfUV76p4eescR) |
| | | - [#1887 - Add Prefix to input fields](https://www.figma.com/file/DSWhPLyJzbliP1fBrLxDUR/branch/HuvwXiyvORXY3thtgWeMyD) |
| Mística Skins | 1 | - [aweell-test](https://www.figma.com/file/w7fBxCsEb8WrMVVuxDnCQd/branch/dweGL3u0BkJaN107IaMQMG) |
| Mística Icons | 2 | - [aweell-test](https://www.figma.com/file/JHuzksh01yxExMeMQBvymq/branch/cqYmuG36lY0nmJQIKtRXIy) |
| | | - [Custom IconChevron](https://www.figma.com/file/JHuzksh01yxExMeMQBvymq/branch/2uJoiQVj2RooANLPlcLi7B) |
| Default Icons Set | 1 | - [#1920 - New icons in Telefónica set](https://www.figma.com/file/JXy7Y07eb0Axg0ThVRWKju/branch/jQdxeBu4xW7BU2wXOIFF44) |
| 🔸 Accordion Specs | 3 | - [#1755 - Align content in Accordion when asset is visible](https://www.figma.com/file/KDxPjcTXq2NCvQZjb4FXgi/branch/AzWBNpHWqcI64ZL5GzDy5i) |
| | | - [Accordion-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/KDxPjcTXq2NCvQZjb4FXgi/branch/wBOSgvCmtCahPshfAMk631) |
| | | - [#1706-Add detail text to Accordion](https://www.figma.com/file/KDxPjcTXq2NCvQZjb4FXgi/branch/PSf7JxabBLanN3DG0l4Pu3) |
| 🔸 Avatar Specs | 3 | - [Avatar Accessibility](https://www.figma.com/file/U4ipIXOk64bdM5tSvaqPKS/branch/Sw5pDKAjGIsnUI0Zw10D8Y) |
| | | - [Avatar-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/U4ipIXOk64bdM5tSvaqPKS/branch/Da7fHCxEmLnOVskZWpTFWN) |
| | | - [#1406 Avatar evolution with satellites](https://www.figma.com/file/U4ipIXOk64bdM5tSvaqPKS/branch/gTV5FV22i8vFs6wpftR3Ui) |
| 🔸 Badge Component Specs | 2 | - [Badge-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/gUZfZajV9Zfade0rBYWZQg/branch/bKJqK3A4VjCVghlEObBeem) |
| | | - [#1801 - List badge behaviour](https://www.figma.com/file/gUZfZajV9Zfade0rBYWZQg/branch/hqPn94DLvItOa6VU0McTeg) |
| 🔸 Breadcrumbs specs | 1 | - [Breadcrumbs-component.-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/BctaFHf0PVPX2uwRSl8taf/branch/DHRcaxizzRTTVj9x5RNCEK) |
| 🔸 Buttons Component Specs | 1 | - [#697 ButtonSecondary hover](https://www.figma.com/file/koROdh3HpEPG2O8jG52Emh/branch/0ZJNQBwFevmgsXKuRRluSS) |
| 🔸 Callout Component Specs | 1 | - [Callout-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/LzhzNPzE8nY9d7Yvo10d5d/branch/ZlA7HAgRWKVh22jkATo3AM) |
| 🔸 Carousel Specs | 1 | - [Carousel-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/hxJvuIQQ1xf50xIOQFUZbQ/branch/tWj3GghcqTGSIKu2feuo4I) |
| 🔸 Checkbox Component Specs | 2 | - [Checkbox-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/6IN1rHqpYLILjgWMuUGKvJ/branch/mPa25HuR3oSKoc1YCugijY) |
| | | - [#736 - Controls inverse variant](https://www.figma.com/file/6IN1rHqpYLILjgWMuUGKvJ/branch/L4wg1qB09cnNTlW3luxaes) |
| 🔸 Chips Specs | 1 | - [Chips-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/512a5Ke4EldL0GYffCXGCJ/branch/7kFUsrxTJmCFaDlahBqZZx) |
| 🔸 Divider Component Specs | 1 | - [Divider-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/XiGe8xqm5OOjUSmdhU4rzA/branch/jaAHJhhnKXyrn7pE8TT6vG) |
| 🔸 Empty States Specs | 1 | - [EmptyStates-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/DAXzyfp6gf7G9SUsnKgTzJ/branch/pEDq7ERBYA11CJpmdhDewc) |
| 🔸 Header Component Specs | 1 | - [Header-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/Xm3r8nRNlbAiZNlkaH5YX1/branch/XJIkBijkrClSERmqguPA6m) |
| 🔸 Hero Specs | 1 | - [Hero-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/M8t65SWdTUyM44YjxuzCyu/branch/FrHyZlVaz6Sx7Bfgt1hliy) |
| 🔸 Image & Video Specs | 1 | - [Image&Video-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/3iEvVzfHBtg3sROXBHzkn7/branch/czy6OUNqHc8cQbmSal9yRi) |
| 🔸 Input Fields & Forms Component Specs | 1 | - [#1887 - Add Prefix to input fields](https://www.figma.com/file/e8d3PkXitUJ1Jwgc9Y3mNc/branch/lMyubwzEwqqGWQIANDTeJi) |
| 🔸 Layouts Component Specs | 1 | - [Layouts-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/ncQ4GRI3ZEjEtNW6pyROX2/branch/6uOkWci1Acs1z3EXM5kKwU) |
| 🔸 LoadingScreen Specs | 1 | - [#1807 - brandLoadingScreen themeVariant token](https://www.figma.com/file/KYdCKU8obcDapI8ihpsaWs/branch/Nzd1eImF4KJmeck58Rr92g) |
| 🔸 Logo Specs | 1 | - [Logo-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/YYWgtxCOpR87Nq5SbSzI8k/branch/QMtItV81VUPWwa5YUqEA2b) |
| 🔸 Modals Specs | 1 | - [Modals-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/8TXIyWTJ8plJ06i1qwv97k/branch/46uJv4QJBHjvJTHLUGGIh7) |
| 🔸 Navigation Bar Component Specs | 1 | - [NavigationBar-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/Os5UfsnhLtQ9rnzmtcX8J4/branch/D296cyDn5AegibMSNmLR1D) |
| 🔸 Popover Specs | 1 | - [Popover-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/gmcy7hwB9WXxqT05jBnA3W/branch/axpYKiRGTzKmDJWcuJBPvz) |
| 🔸 ProgressBar Specs | 2 | - [ProgressBar-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/3IO1EsGDeBRiFdF23mrvuj/branch/R8E1GwN95swEOgjNF8UAkc) |
| | | - [#1655 - Controls inverse variant](https://www.figma.com/file/3IO1EsGDeBRiFdF23mrvuj/branch/Ru8qXVDslEVEOUWjQZEexZ) |
| 🔸 Radio Button Component Specs | 2 | - [RadioButton-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/RkHDrAELuQIlwNSQBfjSBx/branch/GnyyudlBJ200WVsLDKQSGI) |
| | | - [#736 - Controls inverse variant](https://www.figma.com/file/RkHDrAELuQIlwNSQBfjSBx/branch/mDx310DZNl78AjqfcnkHKS) |
| 🔸 Sheet Specs | 1 | - [Sheet-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/nxToAYk7FGC86TS0mY61TU/branch/vn7xjusQ2EvIxyU66wrNNk) |
| 🔸 Skeletons Specs | 1 | - [Skeletons-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/w7E0mmB92eio0zHw7h9iS2/branch/u0v2gqrBVeAjltmthAgfwy) |
| 🔸 Snackbar Specs | 1 | - [Snackbar-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/yCHLIfy4WMfRdlADwyL4kZ/branch/UZPxeyiuyMEtss5ptyAhMg) |
| 🔸 StackingGroup Specs | 1 | - [StackingGroup-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/3ME86VKaAQ2BoeqoQuHMYx/branch/iFKJKF0vXU9ETqJfA1fVow) |
| 🔸 Stepper Component Specs | 1 | - [Stepper-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/YIQIeK0R4bQNNkw2Friv6b/branch/OZbTlXHeOPD8UiP9ObuuOv) |
| 🔸 Switch Component Specs | 2 | - [Switch-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/J0LzwXn0tzGNIkgvFnt0Yz/branch/FJsv8o06SZM4U9INAOZQwj) |
| | | - [#736 - Switch over inverse](https://www.figma.com/file/J0LzwXn0tzGNIkgvFnt0Yz/branch/aMgYk2ECjrAA48602IUhvu) |
| 🔸 Table Specs | 1 | - [#1829 - Table without header rows](https://www.figma.com/file/WtF16bfvE9kKS4yx3VtLuE/branch/5phIrEggPnfQQlppZ1ecog) |
| 🔸 Tabs Specs | 1 | - [Tabs-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/tOb2OmRf6gnEK3fnSWPKOG/branch/7L1zL1FlHdevPzfvjt8ACM) |
| 🔸 Tag Specs | 1 | - [Tags-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/wseConngNv2MYEXgCk5uI4/branch/x71qnhiuNuNoGD3zT9THj7) |
| 🔸 Title Specs | 1 | - [Title-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/yQRVCOmRQNM98bnXndLPxK/branch/WDArQeTsNjD4nAZRxjh48h) |
| 🔸 Tooltips Specs | 1 | - [Tooltip-component-IDs](https://www.figma.com/file/il3GkMh7p85wpXvtWuvLRT/branch/f942egl9qmdJhlcMiwKsmM) |
Hey @Ya.yo , thanks for sharing this idea—it’s a really interesting suggestion!
I can see how having a dedicated place to track branches pending review would be super helpful. I’ll definitely share this with the team and let them know how much value it could add.
Also, please don’t forget to upvote your post to help bring more attention to it.
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