Restore interactive component to the 'default' (initially defined in a frame state)

Hello, I have a page with a smart component on it (a one level drop-down)




Which expands/collapses. I set this component to be collapsed in page A and create a link from one of the children to page B. When I come back from page B to page A the ‘state’ of the component is as I’ve left it when leaving the page i.e. expanded. What I would like to do though is to have the component revert to the state I’m defining in the editor i.e. everything collapsed. Is there a way to do that? Suffice to say that I don’t have only two pages, there are more, so I can’t really use ‘static’ components for all the cases as there would be too many frame variations that I’d need to create. Perhaps I’m missing something very obvious in the component of how to ‘reset’ it in a page?

Thank you for any suggestions and tips in advance!

I’ve been trying for fun and there is no way you can get this “naturally”. You kind of have to hack it and have 3 Variants for the Drop Down.

Collapse, Expand, “Bridge” - The Bridge one should be just like the Collapse, except you must use Mouse Up/Down/Leave and Click altogether with delays and then you will work the magic. I would show you but don’t have time right now, hope this tip helps in getting it to work like you want :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re suggesting :slight_smile:
I’ve been trying to solve the same issue with overlays but it seems that an overlay ‘takes over’ the whole page and any interactions below it don’t work any more i.e. I can’t have an overlay of just a specific size on a page - it always scales to full screen (not visually but if I turn on the background for it, it shows as a full page overlay).