Resetting account avatar not possible?

This may be a dumb question…

I uploaded an avatar to my account to replace the default first name initial avatar. However after a few days, I want to reset the avatar to the initial version rather than the image based one I uploaded. But it seems like there’s no way to do through the Account settings. Pressing on the avatar itself or “Edit” will simply prompt for a new image.

Can anyone confirm this is the case?


Hey @frankjxl - not dumb at all. So the short answer is that profile pictures cannot be deleted once changed. There’s no* way at the moment to default back to just the letter, but you can click “edit” on your photo and upload a different one.

What I’ll do is move this topic over to our feedback board, so that others who are looking to have this capability can vote on it. That way, I can also make sure to track that you’d like to see an option to just remove a photo in the future for our product team.


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Wish there was a way to remove a team icon, a link on the setting panel perhaps, see attached.


Work-round: create a circular image with initial in the middle to mimic the default profile one generated by first time. Then upload it to replace the custom one. Hope it helps.

These would be useful for admin & team owner users.

Sometimes people trip over this and create and upload content in both team/profile/workspace areas that’s a violation of internal policy. Not having any option to reset them means I’m looking for workarounds (like nuking someone’s account).