Plugin's new release publishing

Hi everyone,

about 2 weeks ago we made changes in our account and disabled two-factor authentication. But today I enabled 2F authentication again for publishing new release of our plugin because without 2F authentication Figma did not allow me to do that.

Now 2F authentication is enabled, but I still can’t publish a new release of the plugin.

I wrote to the Support , their answer is below:

Please make sure your email address (our mail) is the one you use with your team in Figma. If you’re unsure, submitting a request with the [Help button] will pick the correct address for you.

How can I confirm our email address is the one we use? And we do not have any teams in our account.

Could you help me to solve this issue, please?

The email account used to publish the plugin originally is the same one you need now to publish the new release. It doesn’t have to be an email tied to a team.