Permanently show current page

There is currently no way to see the current page in the Figma UI when the Pages section is collapsed.

When you have a lot of pages and/or you have similar pages this gets confusing. Keeping the whole Pages section open is often a waste of valuable vertical space. Space that’s very useful for the Layers section.

Maybe Figma can show the current page name somewhere in the UI?

Maybe above the current file name?
Show page name above file name(1)

Or somehow in the Pages section? (not the prettiest solution)
Show page name in pages section

Hey @Peter_Uithoven, thank you for taking your time to leave your feedback!

I’ve passed this along to the teams for consideration.
Feel free to upvote your post. This helps us roadmap future updates.

Thank you,

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Looks like this was implemented :tada:

Wait no, after logging in (I was anonymous for some reason), it’s gone… It just shows “> Pages” again.