Option to duplicate/copy styles, not just cut them

I have also done this trick. However, when you do this, there is a chance that when you reload the original Figma file, the style will be missing. This has happened to me several times.

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Haries, this also happened to me several times, it was precisely the reason I opened this topic, I lost several styles and had to recreate everything again, I contacted Figma support about this but received a response that they were unable to reproduce the error, so I came here

how is this not a thing already???


With this plugin you can can duplicate color styles folder


Good to know: Iā€™m the author of the plugin, feedbacks are welcome :grin:

With this plugin you can can duplicate color styles folder


Good to know: Iā€™m the author of the plugin, feedbacks are welcome :grin:

great thanks, can this be done for text styles as as well?


I couldnā€™t believe that this feature is missing, given how much Figma advocates its ability to help us create and manage design systemā€¦ Likeā€¦ seriously?

Please add this to your next software update. Thanks!

The solution is this plugin to copy/paste style between files.
Works with any type of styles. Colors, typography, effects and even grids styles!


Give it a try!

agreed, looking for a plugin-free solution to this