Only seeing a black background with slide outlines

I only see a black background and highlighted slides/frames for a presentation that I built in Figma. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!

Try turning off “Frame Outlines” under “View”

Thank you Vishal. Unfortunately that did not fix the issue.

Hey @Mary_Burton ,
Can you share a quick screen recording of what you see on your end?

Are you seeing this?


If so, you can also use the keyboard shortcut to enable and disable show outlines:

  • Mac: ⌘ Command ⇧ Shift O
  • Windows: Control ⇧ Shift O

View> Outlines > Unmark ‘Show outlines’

Hope this helps!

Hi Celine, showing outlines actually helped in showing content, but there is misalignment and everything is in a white “ghost” mode

Hmm this looks odd. :thinking: Not sure what’s happening here. If you unmark all the outlines, you should be able to see its initial state. Can you share what you see without showing outlines? Is it happening in this specific file or any files?

I’d recommend you to reach out to the support team directly with a copy of your file and your screenshot to see if we can replicate it here: Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and add as an Editor, so we can take a closer look. Thank you!

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