Move Personal Drafts to Team Project - Not Working

Hello, I am currently having a problem where I can not move my personal file in my drafts to a team project. I saw this article on spectrum which seems to have same problem.

I agree with this statement at the end of the post:

“I created a work account > made a bunch of files > convinced my company to switch to Figma > they signed up for an Organizational Account and INVITED MY SAME EMAIL ADDRESS > now I can’t easily move the existing files from my ‘personal’ account to the Org??? Exporting files and importing files is not only laborious and annoying but it means that all the comment history is gone which is integral to the function of the file…”

Ive done this in the past though, so seems like something is possibly broken?

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Woah now it works. I wonder if it was because we just created the team and there may be a delay when it can accept files. Weird bug.

Having the same issue. Have a draft that I want to move to a team project. I’ve been even made an admin of the team. I can see it in the list when trying to move the file, but I can’t select it for some reason. Is that just a bug?

I’m experiencing the same issue. The file was originally in the team project but today was all of a sudden in Drafts and no one else could access it. I cannot move it back to the team. Please help!

Is there a solution for this issue? We are experiencing it was well and are unable to move files from personal to organization. Any suggestions?

Are you able to save the file file to your desktop and then drag and drop the figma file(s) into a project within your Figma organiztion?

The migration from personal to Organization can be done through Figma support only or by exporting files to .fig.