Limit active comment count

As a design agency we often share designs with clients for review. Clients often over complicate feedback by placing 100s of comments. If unresolved comments can be limited the clients will be forced to make smarter comments and the designers will be able to manage the amount of changes needed. Once comments are resolved clients will be able to make new comments again.

Having a simple option to limit the amount of active comments will really boost productivity and drastically help reduce overhead costs due to time spent reading and resolving trivial comments.

I am not sure how many other designers have the same problem as we do. I know I have spoken to a few colleagues and they all face the same issue. The time wastage and scope creap can be managed of we can manage our clients expectations and their ability to ask for changes.


This will be such as useful feature. I am sure all design agencies are struggling with this same thing as we are.

Damn, I have 142 comment on one of my files. (I have been actively closing them). It is frustrating to see red bubble hanging around all the time!

And having ability to limit and customize the Max Comment would be best solution. We all have different contract, different proposals, so. :sweat_smile: