Libraries unlinking often

Hello all! My text styles have been unlinking lately. This is the third time it’s happened, starting sometime this summer. I have 8 text styles and 4 colors (not a huge library in my opinion), and I work in one document with 15 pages. I use many components for all my client designs. Randomly I’ll start working one day and all the text styles have just been unlinked for some reason in the entire document, so I need to go through manually and re-link them. This takes a lot of time and defeats the whole purpose of having a linked library to speed up my workflow. The text also changes one font size down for some reason - if a text style was size 18px, when it becomes unlinked it’s changed to size 17px. Same with a few other sizes, but not all.

I have two other users also working in the document but mostly just adding comments, not adjusting any of the design. We have also recently started using a plugin for text language translation called Crowdin, which we thought might be the culprit when we push the text translations from Figma to Crowdin or vice versa - but we already spoke to their support and they assured us this shouldn’t be happening. Also, the text that gets unlinked is ALL of the document’s text, not just the pages that we push to the translation plugin.

Can anybody help or give insight? Is this a Figma bug, or am I doing something wrong in my workflow that I can fix/avoid?

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