Hello @Celine_Figma! Any update on this?
Anxiously awaiting typography variables to launch
Hello @Celine_Figma! Any update on this?
Anxiously awaiting typography variables to launch
Hey Jonny, while I don’t have a guaranteed ETA I can share at the moment, be sure that our team is still working on it. Stay tuned!
Hey Figma team - any updates on this update? This would simplify a lot of our design system component management work
Any updates on this? Rolling out a design system for a fortune 500 company moving from XD to Figma where 6-7 agencies or more will be accessing. It feels stupid to vocalise the use of these components without this feature. Do you have a timeline? Was hoping for Jan 01 2024
@KWI yeah doesn’t work for me either. How do you connect the variable to the variant (typing doesn’t work).
I need this functionality - would love to have the ability to create ‘one’ set of mobile designs - with separate modes for ios and android.
Fingers crossed for 2024 rollout
Wait, this isn’t a thing yet? I think I’ll keep on not using variables then
Waiting for this important feature comes soon. Today the web design industry understand a lot of CSS. All about typography is basic and essential in this knowledge field. Media Queries, variables, fluid typography (min, max, clamp). I really hope the font-size box for fonts in Figma enables variables values this year.
It’s unreal that this is not here already.
In our agency, we continually postpone some of our design system refactorings due to the long-awaited absence of this feature.
I agree with others. Such an important feature!!! For preparing responsive designs I need to be able to use variables at least for text size – or - better option - be able to use variables on switching between text styles. Please <3
Push! For responsive prototyping a must-have!
Hey Figma team!
Are there any news on when variables will support typography? I share the issue with many other designers here, in the sense that I am building a design system for a big client (soon it will be 2) and we decided to go with the Figma variables (which I LOVE btw!!!) and to not use any plugins. Our decision was based on the claim, that the necessary typography support would come towards the end of 2023. I knew, that it would be unrealistic, that this target would be hit exactly, but now it is February 24 and there still are no news. It would be helpful to get some kind of timeline so that companies and designers can plan and decide how to proceed. So in case there are ANY news or a rough timeline, I would highly appreciate it! Thanks so much in advance <3
Hey Figma team!
Are there any news on when variables will support typography? I share the issue with many other designers here, in the sense that I am building a design system for a big client (soon it will be 2) and we decided to go with the Figma variables (which I LOVE btw!!!) and to not use any plugins. Our decision was based on the claim, that the necessary typography support would come towards the end of 2023. I knew, that it would be unrealistic, that this target would be hit exactly, but now it is February 24 and there still are no news. It would be helpful to get some kind of timeline so that companies and designers can plan and decide how to proceed. So in case there are ANY news or a rough timeline, I would highly appreciate it! Thanks so much in advance <3
Hi Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on variable typography support. We greatly appreciate your input.
As variables continue to evolve and expand, our team is actively exploring ways to support typography variables. We understand the importance of being able to switch between different combinations of typography properties, such as font families, sizes, and spacing.
While we can’t make any guarantees or promises when to release this, rest assured, we are working on it!
For more information on upcoming features, including typography variables, please visit our “What Figma features are in beta?” page under Variables. You can find it at here
To stay updated on all the latest features and announcements in Figma, make sure to check out our Release Notes and our Blog.
Thank you once again for your valuable feedback!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
I couldn’t find any hints towards a rough timeline within the sources you shared. Can you provide any information here? It is getting harder and harder to justify the decision to go with Figma variables and especially: It is getting harder to plan the next steps. I would HIGHLY appreciate any information regarding the timeline
Thanks on advance and have a wonderful day!
I would love to see this! Variables are extremely helpful and this almost completely allow us to transfer to variables so we can just export the whole variables for our developers!
Just waiting for this and gradient support
Any news about that?