I can't open the file

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with opening one file that I need for my work. I can open other files, but not that one. I can’t understand why it doesn’t load. I have this problem only in the app while at the browser it works correctly.
Can anybody help me? I need to open this file again.
Thanks in advance.

Hi there! Welcome to the community.
This looks odd, Do you see any error message or any bugs when you try to open this file in the app? (If so, please share a screenshot if you are able to do it).
Can you also confirm if you can open other files in the app?

As it looks like to affect only one specific file, I’d recommend you to reach out directly to the support team with a URL of the file by filling this form: here This will help us to investigate further by locating the file and try to reproduce it on our end. Thanks!

I can’t load only this file. Others can be opened. And I don’t see any errors messages. This file loads till this moment and stop. It happens several days already.

Hi there! This looks buggy. I see in the backend that you have filled out a support ticket. Our technical specialist is waiting for your response via email to continue to troubleshoot. Please check and continue the conversation via email for further investigation. Thank you!