I can no longer edit and republish components in our design library

Weird bug here that I think might be indirectly related to the interactive variants beta. My company has a central component library and after I started using the interactive variants beta, it’s started acting funny for me (although it does not contain any interactive variants, and I’m not trying to add any).

Behavior I’m seeing:

  • Adding a brand new component (with or without variants) acts as expected and publishes fine.
  • If I edit a non-variant component and try to republish, it doesn’t pick up the changes I made and won’t publish them.
  • If I add a new variant to an existing component, it doesn’t pick up the changes I made and won’t publish them.
  • If I drag either of the components into the library file from the sidebar, I do see the changes I made - they just won’t publish.
  • My coworker who does not have access to the interactive variants beta went in and published the library (without making any additional changes himself) and for him it did pick up all of the changes I had made and allowed him to publish them.

This is obviously a pretty blocking issue for me - is anybody else encountering similar problems?


This appears to be resolved after installing the latest update - not sure whether it was explicitly fixed or if it was a fluke but glad to be able to publish my library again :slight_smile:

I had a similar issue. I had to turn off the checkmark to enable interactive components and then the update went through.

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I have the same issue. Figma showed me Assets as if nothing new happened inside. Like everything is up to date when it’s not…Did you find any solution to it?

For me it just magically went away somehow. Have you tried Dimitri’s solution - turning off the interactive components checkbox in the sidebar and then publishing?