"From a project outside this team"

Is it just me or does Figma access suck. How do I delete this file.

Hey @Mirror, thank you for your honest feedback!

Anyone with can edit access to a file’s parent project can delete, restore, or permanently delete the file.

Please check what permission you have on the file, you’ll need a ‘can edit’ permission to have the rights to permanently delete the file.

You can find more information in our Help Center article: Delete and restore files

Please let me know if you have any further question.

You’re missing the point, I’m out of the program and the history of the program is recorded on my team. How do I delete it? I am the team creator of this

Hey @Mirror, apologies that I’ve not understand this correctly!

I am double checking this with the team, but can you clarify what you mean by “’I’m out of the program”? Are you referring to a team?

I’ll get back to you once I receive a reply from the team.

Thank you for your patience!

Anyway, I now don’t know which team this deleted Untitled file belongs to. I can’t even recover it, how do I get it out of my “Deleted”

Thanks, it’s likely that you don’t have edit access to the file, being a team owner doesn’t give the permission to permanently delete the file.

This file will remain in the Deleted tab until restored or deleted permanently. If you can reach out to a user with edit access to the file, they may be able to permanently delete this.

I understand this isn’t ideal, but there isn’t another way to resolve this unfortunately. Please let me know how else I can help.

Thank you,