Forum category ideas

I like that Figma has created a central place for “figmates” to talk. I think it would be beneficial to have forum categories which encourage user-to-user interaction. For example, you might have a category for getting feedback on designs. Or, you could create a place focused on connecting and collaborating.

Also, “Plugins API” sounds technical. I think “Plugins” or “Plugin Dev(elopment)” would sound better.

Plugin Development is definitely a more clear name for that category! Would be easier for non-technical people to understand.

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Cool, thanks!

While I’m at it, does the icon for “watching” a topic need to be orange? That usually signifies urgency, whereas when I created the topic I want to “watch” it.

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Well, watching is for high priority follow-up.
For me, Tracking has been doing all the work needed in order to be on top of the latest updates in the post.


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