Find/Search Keywords and Text in FigJam

Yes, I also wanted to use FigJam to consolidate the research findings and label them to make findings visual and easy to collaborate. However, not having text search is a blocker. So I need to switch to Miro instead.

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Considering the tool is used for brainstorming and organizing large amounts of qualitative data, not being able to search is a huge blocker to the workflow. There is no easy way to lookup and reference notes quickly. The alternative is scanning and reading every single note.


I agree, itā€™s a major roadblock to not have a basic text search given weā€™re consolidating a lot of qualitative data into our various Figjam files. Iā€™ve tried installing community-created search plugins but they only appear as available plugins while editing a standard Figma file. Has anyone found a way to search for for text? The browser-based search does not even work.

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I created a beautiful graph for prioritization with a bunch of sticky notes but cannot search by text. This makes it very difficult for me to track and look for certain notes to the point where I may not be able to use figjam for large-scale organization.

Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?


I have a similar use case. Looking to use Figjam as a way to synthesise my research note. I would love to collate and connect related points, but with a lot of data to manage itā€™s hard not being able to search text.


Yes, I also wanted to use FigJam to consolidate the research findings and label them to make findings visual and easy to collaborate. However, not having text search is a blocker.

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Absolutely need this feature.

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100% need ā€œCMD + Fā€ search function guys - itā€™s a no brainer and makes coming back to a packed board VERY hard to stomach when you know you wrote a note or label somewhere, but are unable to find it. :face_vomiting:

Yes I would also like to be able to search the figjam board

Iā€™m using FigJam for research analysis for the first time. It has been great so far, but I totally agree that find/search is essential when working with large amounts of qualitative data. I use the Find and Replace plugin for normal Figma files, but this doesnā€™t work with FigJam.

I canā€™t use Figjam because of the absence of a search feature. I have to stick to Miro

Nothing new to add that hasnā€™t been said - we need this feature!!

You canā€™t even do standard browser text search.

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My girlfriend and me are using FigJam as a way to structure our studies. Iā€™m taking notes directly on it. When itā€™s time to search a subject in there it becomes really difficult though. Adding the shortcut to search a word (CTRL + F) would help a lot.

Thank you :slight_smile:


ICYMI - there is now a plugin for this called ā€œfind and replaceā€!!

Works like a charm :slight_smile:

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Just add a search like miro, it has the perfect search UX

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When there are a bunch of text boxes in my figjam diagram, it would be nice to use ā€œcommand + fā€ function to search a specific word in the diagram.

Would be amazing to have the basic Cmd+F feature to localize words on the whiteboard and being able to modify this word used in different places : all at once !
(or maybe make the existing Figma plug-in work with figjam ?)

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  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
    I cannot search within a Figma jam file, it would be very useful to be able to search text

  2. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

  3. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.

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I am absolutely loving this tool! Wish there was a way to do full text search. Is that possible?


Please @anon21722796 let us know when the find/replace feature is implemented in Figma. It is currently too hard to look through a million stickies.

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