Figma desktop app is out of date!

I don’t want to update my Mac since it has a lot of dependencies and don’t need to. I used an older version of the Figma app to have run since the incompatibility was completely arbitrary and just a planned obsolescence scheme, even though that was annoying as the app violates you into updating without choice or consent so I had to use a lot of trick to prevent that.

But now even though the app perfectly works on my system, I receive a new violating notification: “Figma desktop app is out of date!” which after exploring the app files and logs is completely false.

Some colleagues have already stopped using it, but now I’m considering outright banning it given how unreliable the app is because of these forced update and completely arbitrary incompatibilities. Even Adobe products let you use any older version you want without forcing you, the fact that Figma wasn’t bought out but is doing worse it telling of the policy and future of this app…

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