FigJam Beta went blank

1. Describe the bug/issue you’re running into?
My team was working in a FigJam Beta and the entire artboard just went blank, deleting all the work and graphics. It became a blank, dotted artboard before all of our eyes! I would like to get our work back, ideally…

We were able to add two stickies and a heart after it went blank, then we stopped. So it’s working again, it seems, but where is all the previous content?

2. Are you able to consistently reproduce it? If so what are the steps?
I don’t know what happened and have never seen it happen before.

3. Share a screenshot, recording, console log, link to the file, etc.

4. Is the issue only happening in desktop app or a specific browser , or both?
We were using FigJam in Chrome. There were 6 users. I had added some stickies and chart/workspace areas - there was not a lot of content at the time it went blank.

5. What OS/version and/or browser/version are you using?
MacOS Big Sur 11.2.3 (20D91), chrome Version 89.0.4389.128 (Official Build) (x86_64)