Every time I open a file in the Desktop app, it creates a new empty frame

  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
    Every time that I open a project, the desktop app creates a new frame, and it’s very tired delete it every time I want to see a project.
  2. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)
    that is what I see every time I open a new project, my frame where I working on, and the new frame generated automaticly.
  3. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.
    I’m recently new in figma, and I thought that it was some configuration that I put wrong, but I searched in all the possibles configs. and I don’t find something that makes the desktop app create a new frame every time. Please fix it!!
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Are you possibly copying and pasting?

This was an issue for me when I first joined Figma over a year ago. (I’ve since switched accounts). I did not realize that I was copying and pasting a frame instead of the text I was attempting to paste.

Hopefully this was helpful :slightly_smiling_face:


Hí!, no I’m not copying and pasting because this happen when I only open the file/project.
But thanks for your answer I’ll be careful :slight_smile: .

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@Christian_Leyva Are you able to share the file? I haven’t seen anything like this but it’s possible it’s a bug. Does it only happen to this file or does it happen to all files? Does it also occur in the browser or only the Desktop App?

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Hi Josh!, Yes I can share the file, this is the link https://www.figma.com/file/NZGPcEUlvqepSI5jT62ELb/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1
Then, this bug it’s only happening in the desktop app to all my files, not only that file that I made for demostration, but in the browser this bug dosent occur.

It looks like I don’t have view access. Feel free to add josh@figma.com if that’s easier.
What OS/version are you on? Also does the problem persist after restarting or reinstalling the desktop app?

I’m also experiencing the issue on the Windows app :raising_hand_man:.
I wonder if any resolution was reached on this bug?

Seems that every time I close and re-open Figma a new frame is added to my document.