Enhanced version tracking for remote design collaboration

When collaborating with another designer remotely on 1 single design system file, it is really hard to track changes.

I know that Figma is introducing the new branching feature in upcoming updates but we need a better GUI to exactly compare what has changes between each component in the design system.

I have attached a screenshot and it only tells me accordion component is modified. I don’t have any context of what component is re-designed and what page is this component belong to. I have to publish it with no clue or revert the changes in the version history.

This has been a problem for our team too.

We have a large team of designers, and sometimes the newly-hired designers accidentally modify components.

Only showing a small thumbnail makes it very hard or impossible to see what has changed

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@Joel_Kesler exactly, this is the same issue that we are facing

We recently had a weird episode where all components had some sort of change. It was impossible to track down what changed — all our spot-checks showed nothing out of the ordinary.

When I am coding, I use Git (via Tower for mac) and it shows me each character and line that is different between commits.

Having a more technical view in Figma showing what has changed per component would be incredibly helpful


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