Embed figma links have changed .. please revert to original functionality

1. Describe the bug/issue you’re running into?
When I embed a link to a group in figjam (or regular figma for that matter), the surrounding canvas with other objects is visible. This did not happen before. Before figma would only embed what was contained by the link. Now it just seemed to embed the entire board and focus on the linked item. This is not desirable.

2. Are you able to consistently reproduce it? If so what are the steps?
Consistent. Please embed a linked object into something like Coda or trello

3. Share a screenshot, recording, console log, link to the file, etc.

I do not want the white square and coloured dots to be visible

4. Is the issue only happening in desktop app or a specific browser , or both?

5. What OS/version and/or browser/version are you using?
Ubuntu, Edge

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