Elements disappearing from prototype

When presenting a prototype, some elements disappear. They are there, in design mode, but when we present they magically disappear.
Sometimes it is fixed after hiding/showing the layer, but it is still an issue (especially because it happens on around 15 screens).


Are the objects REALLY inside the displayed frame? Or are they hovering? Check your nesting. That has been a pain for a lot of folks. Me included!

yes, they are.
When we turn the layer off and the on again they re-appear, if the prototype is open.

That is definitely wonky.

Can you post the file or share link?

Unfortunately, I can’t. It has confidential content

Hey @Neto_Ana , sorry to hear this is happening. This looks like an unexpected behaviour, as your assets disappear even if they are within the frame you have selected.
If you prefer not to share your file publicly, you can reach out directly to the support team with a URL of the file by filling this form: here

Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and add support-share@figma.com as Editor, so they can take a closer look and investigate the root cause of this issue.

Hey Celine, thank you for being available to help.
With some workarounds (new files, making components local - not even sure what fixe it), we were able to make it work.

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Glad you have found a fix! Thanks for letting me know :slightly_smiling_face: (I’ve gone ahead to close this topic)