Drop Shadow Color Opacity @ .12% crashes Prototype


I’ve written a cool set of mocks, and was disappointed when the prototyping functionality didn’t work. After an initial set of ultimately incorrect investigation, I spent a few hours trying to narrow down the problem by trial and error, successively deleting elements from the page until the prototype worked. Here’s what I found:

Frames and text that have a drop shadow with an opacity of .12% (not 12%, 0.12%, which was a typo on my part in my work) then the prototype will crash.

I have done some extensive trial and error to narrow it down to this. Some notes:

  • This doesn’t seem to be a problem on rectangles.
  • This is a problem for both frames with drop Shadow and text with drop shadow.

The absolute minimal case is publicly visible here, and includes instructions for how to verify this is the source of the error.

Thanks for making a great product, hope this bug report helps!


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