Dotted, dashed, etc underlines (text-decoration-style) support

I’m looking for this functionality. It’s not practical to use components on certain cases. Here’s an example:

I have recurring keywords sprinkled on random spots in paragraphs. Those keywords are hoverable and show a tooltip. I want an affordance to make it clear for the user that those words are hoverable, and such affordance could be the dotted underlines. So I’m looking to select spacific keywords within a paragraph and apply a “dotted underline” style to them.

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+1 for this!

Waiting for it too

+1 Need to support CSS properties for weight and offset.

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+1 to differently styled underlines.

+1 to differently styled underlines.

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+1 to differently styled underlines. Please bring this soon.

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We definitely need these, until every Styling option that can be applied to text in Figma is added to the great new variables options, it is. not usable as a complete UI system. Text decoration values like underline, slashed, uppercase, are all vital parts of out text style system. Would love to see these be added along with REM/EM support or at the very least percentage support for Line Height & Letter Spacing.

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+1 to style-able underlines. Can we get them if you make AI do it?


I need dashed/dotted underlines as well.

Can’t find it. A link would help, if you can post here pls.

Our links underline use a different colour to the text, a custom offset value and weight, all available as design tokens. Would be great to be able to use figmas text decoration to apply all those as variables and not have to hack my way around this!