Did Macbook M1 Pro with 16GB is enough for Figma??

I have a plan to buy the new Macbook M1 Pro chip with 16GB of RAM, but I’m not sure.

Recently, I’ve been working on a big project and Figma always warning me about memory used.

Sometime the program stop working and run out of memory like this!

My main PC spec that I’m using right now

  • AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core
  • RAM 32GB
  • GTX1070

Figma performance

Base on this article, it said Figma comsuming GPU on Mac product
Then, 16GB of RAM might be enough for me?

I need a laptop for working from anywhere when I always from home or office
Anyone using Figma with Mac M1 pro chip have any case of this memory used issue?
or any suggestion such how to manage Figma file to help reducing memory use

Thank you

Hey there @Chissanucha thanks for reaching out. The memory limit here is related to the browser and not directly related to your computers RAM. We have an article on our help center that explains this in more detail and offers a few solutions to improve the usage of your file: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040528173-Reduce-memory-usage-in-files

Unfortunately, now that the file is out of memory, you’ll need to use version history to revert to an older version and then break the file up into multiple files. https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038006754#Restore_from_version

Hopefully this helps. :slight_smile:

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