Control variant export naming (especially for icons)

I find it incomprehensible this issue has been opened over three years ago and hasn’t been fixed yet.

I like to keep my icons as variants of the icon component. I guess if each icon variant was a separate component and you wrapped them in a section, you’d be able to mass export the icons with their names. But then you’d have to do instance swap when changing the icon. My gut feeling is that people find variants much more intuitive than separate components and instance swapping. So either this is a UX issue or a missing feature. In either case, having control over export name syntax would be a big relief.

I figured the best solution currently is probably to bulk rename afterwards. From the export, I got files such as “variant=user.png”. On PowerShell you can bulk rename the exported files like so:

cd [path to the folder]
ls * | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace “variant=”, “”}

which essentially removes the “variant=” from the file names. I hope someone finds this helpful.