Can I reference Frame A as Frame B's background fill?

Let’s say I have Frame A, my profile screen.
I use this screen as the background of many other screens (i.e. Action Sheet overlays, alerts), so I duplicate Frame A and work on top of it. (Now I have Frames B, C & D).

When I come to update Frame A, I have to manually update Frames B, C & D, which is horrible.

So I export Frame A as an image and import it as the background image of Frames B, C, D.

Is there a way to automate this? For example setting Frame A as the background of Frames B, C, D. Even a plugin I can run once my Frame A updates are complete (would be very expensive to continuously run this).

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Why not use components for this?

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This is exactly what components were made for

I have this same request. It’s essentially using another frame as a background image. Components would work, but I think a separate feature would be better so you don’t have to manage a component separately. The way I’d like to use it is specifically for overlays/modals. It’d be great if this was also incorporated into the prototypes. For example, when I run a prototype, I love that I can use the overlay feature. But when doing the actual design of an overlay, it’s helpful to see the screen behind it for context.

If you could just set Frame A as the background for Frame B, C, etc., that would be ideal and better than using a component IMO.

I would like something like this as well. To me, components don’t solve this issue - components are for COMPONENTS. I would like, say, to establish a frame as a “master” of sorts. That way I could instance it to other parts of the document and reuse it as I see fit. If I ever needed to edit something, I would just edit the master, preferably in the place of the instance, and the changes could reflect back to the master. Since it has a similar function of components, it could be a sub-section of components, like “master pages” or something like this.


I would like this too.

When you make a frame a component it stops acting like a frame. Make your whole comp a component and then try to select things inside it. Dragging a bounding box doesn’t work anymore, it moves the whole component. The only thing you can do is hold Command and drag but that’s individual layer selection so now I have to get the whole thing vs just clicking on the groups.

I would alternatively like the ability to tell a component to just act like a frame.