Breadcrumbs - Navigation

  • When I’m inside a file, I find it very difficult to find where this file is located (the full path)

  • I could manage to navigate back to the Project (by clicking on my company logo - which is not very intuitive)

  • I can’t seem to find the team in which the Project is in.

  • The situation here is when I find a file via Search, and not necessarily by navigating through Team > Project > File.

  • We have lots of teams to manage, and I sometimes just search for the file name instead of navigating through.

**My Suggestion would be to add a simple Breadcrumb Navigation showing the File path. ** This could be Managed in “View > Show file path” or something similar.

Does anyone have an immediate solution / suggestions on this?

Thank you


For a user experience design tool, navigating in Figma isn’t intuitive at all indeed.
The Parent - Child relationship of teams, folders, files isn’t clear. When I click the project name, I expect to go a level up. Instead I’m able to move the project somewhere else?
It’s not clear how to get a level up the tree / go back to the parent folder

I’ve found two (very awkward) ways around this:

Open the S1. hare dialog and see what it says about the “team access” settings. It usually includes the name of the team.
2. Hit the “Favorite Project” option :star: and then hunt thru the left navigation menu for the team with the new / selected menu item.

These are both patently awful. It should be dead obvious what team a project is contained in from the meta-data area on the right column.